
ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! everything is utter poo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i'm really hating college at the moment i just need a break from it! i've been there for way to long and i feel so soffocated!!!!! I like exclamation marks!!!! But then i feel bad about missing subjects i feel really guilty!!!! I feel wat grown up past my years i'm suppose to be in my firt year but the people who actually are seem so young! ( i went to college 2 years early). I'm dropping English but now i feel like a failure! i want to succeed at college and go on to uni but i just feel like theres something holding me back i dont feel motivated any more!!
i feel like such a bad friend all of the time! I'm always cancelling things and letting people down and it's not that i mean to it's usually for valid reasons but it still makes me feel really bad! i feel like i've turned out to be a crap person at the moment and i don't know how to make a fresh start or where i go from here. i must post more for a start... it deffinatley helps! x
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