SO Forgetful!!!

Hmm... Thursday that means tomorrows friday yay!!! Well not really yay i think i have a pschology test in the morning but i really can't remember! I am so bad at remembering things it's unbelievable. This morning i went out of the house and thought I hadn't taken the key in the lock from the other side of the door out! So there's me thinging i had locked everyone out of the house and that we needed to smash a window or something! So i was in the libary at college waiting for a mate when i looked in my bag and found the key that should have been in the door... i can't remember taking it out!!! I scare myself sometimes!
I really feel like i'm falling behind at college which really isn't what i want to happen! I just can't ever seem to concenrate. I now find college really suffocating and i can't grow at all. Especially after going through and learning so much there already. And knowing that i've got so long left there... I'm just finding it so superficial and that people are there for a social fashion event and not to learn which was great in my first year but now i'm in my third and i really just want to learn and get on with my life. Going to college two years early does have it's benefits but it can also be a pain.
Friday tomorrow also means that i'm gunna see this guy that i'm just starting to get to know and kinda like. I actually feel nervous about seeing him again! I haven't felt like that towards someone for ages not since J anyway and well that wasn't exactly a normal relationship. Ever since what happened with him i've felt closed up and like somehtings been crushing me but i finally feel free and like i can really move on and forget about him and get on with my life. yay 4 me!!!
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